Monday, February 13

Kool Tween Valentines

Tomorrow is the big day, Valentines! I made these kool Valentines for my tween's classmates. i used non-traditional colours because my kids like to be unique. I also found a "Star Wars" font so the boys' in her class don't feel it's too girly for them. I saw some of the cutest ideas on Pinterest, the Kool-aid cards were my favorite.
My grade two will be shareing these "you're the 'write' friend Valentine" cards with her class. I hope the kids like the mini click pencils. I thought they would be a fun change from candy and chocolate.
Our youngest will be sharing crazy straws with her class. No homemade cards for her, grandma gave her Tinker Bell cards. :(  Our oldest is making her own cards and just for her BFFs. she loves embossing so I am sure her cards will be beautiful!  I only have hubbies card to make. I am also planning to make him a cheese cake. YUM! Have a great V-day!
Happy Krafting, Shaz

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p.s. I {heart} comments!

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