Tuesday, December 14

2011 (gift) Calendar

            I like to make a photo calendar for my mother{grandma Ruby} every year. I know she loves it because she always keeps it on the mantel over the fire place. I don't think she uses the calendar part at all but the pictures can always be seen.
So this year instead of ordering a photo calendar, I made her this  8 X 8 calendar.
Same idea as the calendars I had been ordering from vista print but with smaller "take-a-glance" type months. I found a classy mission style easel stand to hold the calendar on the mantel.
When the year is done the 8 X 8 pages can be slipped into an album.
Happy Krafting, Shaz
p.s. I {heart} comments!


Maylee said...

Super cute idea and your girls are beautiful!

Edna Morrisedie said...

I love that you used candid photos for this project, makes it even more fun, colours are great too!